[GW2] コンディション&ブーン アップデート

GuildWars2GW2-Heart of Thorns


[ Guild Wars 2 Forum – Guild Wars 2 Discussion – June 23 Specialization Changes ]





・All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.

…ふぁっ!? 1500もスタックするの?
コンディションは13種類。今まで1コンディション25まで、中にはスタックしないものもあるけれどスタックするとして 13×25 = 325 スタックなので、単純計算で5倍近くスタックできるようになるのか。

・Bleeding (出血)

・The formula for this condition has been re scaled to account for this new behavior.of damaging conditions and to push more focus on the damage onto the condition damage stat.
・New damage over time: 2+(0.3*Level)+(0.075 * Condition Damage)

旧計算式は (0.05 * Condition Damage) + (0.5 * level ) + 2.5 なので、Lv80 CD1,000 として
旧:(0.05 * Condition Damage) + 42.5 = 92.5
新:(0.075 * Condition Damage ) + 26 = 101
単純な1秒ごとのダメージ数も上がりましたが、計算式もCondiDamage が影響する割合が大きくなりましたので、ConditionDamage を積むメリットが出てきます。

・Burning (火傷)

・This condition will now stack in intensity. The formula for this condition has been re scaled to account for this new behavior.of damaging conditions and to push more focus on the damage onto the condition damage stat. Creatures that apply burning have been re-balanced to account for this change.
・New damage over time: 7.5+(1.55*Level)+(0.155 * Condition Damage)

旧計算式 (0.25 * Condition Damage) + (4 * Level) + 8 / Lv80 CD 1,000 キャラで
旧:(0.25 * Condition Damage) + 328 = 578
新:(0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131.5 = 286.5

・Confusion (混乱)

・This condition now has two damage components. A damage over time, as well as the damage dealt when an ability completes. The damage has also been normalized between all game modes. The formula for this condition has been re scaled to account for this new behavior.of damaging conditions and to push more focus on the damage onto the condition damage stat.The skill use damage will also now trigger when the affected target is interrupted during skill activation.
・New damage over time: 2+(0.3*Level)+(0.04*Condition Damage)
・New trigger damage: 3.5+(0.575*Level)+(0.0625*Condition Damage)

旧計算式 10 + (1.5 * Level) + (0.15 * Condition Damage) / Lv80 CD 1,000 キャラで
旧:130 + (0.15 * Condition Damage) = 280
新:(26 + (0.04 * Condition Damage) = 66 ) + (49.5 + ( 0.0625 * Condition Damage) = 112) = 178

・Poison (毒)

This condition will now stack in intensity. Poison’s healing reduction will not depend on number of stacks. Any poison will result in a static -33% (same value as live). The formula for this condition has been re scaled to account for this new behavior.of damaging conditions and to push more focus on the damage onto the condition damage stat. Creatures that apply burning have been re-balanced to account for this change.
New damage over time: 3.5+(0.375*Level)+(.06*Condition Damage)

火傷と同様、スタックする項目が持続時間から強さへ変更となります。 ヒール効力の33%減はスタック数に影響しない模様。
旧計算式:4 + Level + (0.1 * Condition Damage) / Lv80 CD 1,000 キャラ
旧: 84 + (0.1 * Condition Damage) = 184
新: 33.5 + (0.06 * Condition Damage) = 93.5
一秒ごとのダメージ数も火傷と同様、旧計算式から半分近くにはなっていますが、スタックできる数と CondiDamege の数値で大きく変わりそう。

・Torment (苦痛)

The formula for this condition has been re scaled to account for this new behavior. of damaging conditions and to push more focus on the damage onto the condition damage stat.
New damage over time: 1.5+(0.225*Level)+(0.055*Condition Damage)
New damage while moving: 3+(0.45*Level)+(0.11*Condition Damage)

旧計算式:(0.0375 * Condition Damage) + (0.375 * レベル) + 1.875 / Lv80 CD 1,000キャラ
旧:(0.0375 * Condition Damage) + 31.875 = 69.375 *2 = 138.75
新:((0.055 * Condition Damage) + 19.5 = 74.5) + ((0.11 * Condition Damage) + 39 = 149) = 223.5

・Vulnerability (脆弱)

This condition was changed so that it not only increases direct damage, but it will also increase condition damage as well. Each stack will increase direct damage by 1% and condition damage by 1%.

直接攻撃だけでなく、Wellやコンディションダメージも 1% アップするようになる模様。


This new condition is now present on some profession abilities and slows the activation of skills by 50% while active.


・Quickness (クイックネス)

This buff is now a boon.

特定のスキル専用のバフから、ブーン属性になったので Boon Duration が持続時間に影響してきます。

・Resistance (レジスタンス)

This new boon is now present on some profession abilities and causes all conditions currently on your character to be ineffective for its duration.



Decreased the endurance regeneration rate from 100% to 50%.

これまで100%増だったエンデュランスの回復速度が 50%になります。
